capabilities of Vistrue

capabilities of Vistrue

Blog Post Written By Robby Fox, VP of sales at Vistrue

Reflecting on 2022, it was certainly one for the ages for me professionally. After 22 years with Frontier in the Telecommunications Industry, having spent time in various organizations: Operations, Marketing, and Sales, it was finally time to leave. While exploring my opportunities, it was important for me to look outside of telecom to find something new and refreshing, I was ready for a change. It was exciting and invigorated researching and reading all the unique job descriptions in various industries. To make a long story short, I landed at a SaaS Company called Vistrue. At Vistrue, we help organizations confront the question of how to digitally transform their supply chains and asset management systems. Over the past 20 years we have focused on transforming solutions in the Telecom and Asset Management industries. I started here in June of 2022. I was nervous walking into the role as Vice President of Sales, mostly because I did not know the product or how to position in front of a prospect. Now, after 6 months, I have realized that my product is not any different from selling intelligent networks across multiple locations, something I did for 22 years.

While helping large enterprises design Wide Area Networks, everyone wanted to achieve several objectives: 1-more Visibility into the network from core to edge and beyond, 2-Inteligent and Agile functionality, and 3-multiple Integrations. I quickly discovered it was not much different when discussing Vistrue with prospects. Most supply chain organizations today are constantly wanting and needing more Visibility, wanting the AI/ML to run more agile, and wanting multiple integration points of access. What does all this mean:

Visibility – inventory levels just don’t start and stop at the central warehouse. We track from birth to death of all inventories. We extend the visibility to tech trucks, spare closets, customer locations,etc We know where it is in real time.

Intelligent – with our data Insights, machine learning and AI can be used in ways you never thought of before, resulting in creating an Agile supply chain.

Integrations – with our custom integrations, connecting in real time with your CRM, 3PL’s, Billing and Finance Systems can be achieved seamlessly.

I am looking forward to meeting with more supply chain organizations in 2023. I am also extremely encouraged with the capabilities of Vistrue, as we closed/won a global brand right before the year ended, which was awesome!




Interview Series — Zachary Hale


Introducing Vistrue